A menorah is a candelabra that generally holds nine candles. Eight candles are for each night of Hanukkah, and the ninth candle, which stands taller than the others, is to light the eight candles. Each night, an additional candle is lit. So, on the first night, the taller candle, which is called the shamas, is […]
What is a Menorah?
Many people that hear about the Hanukkah celebrations wonder and ask: What is a Menorah? The word Menorah means lamp in the Hebrew language. The Story of Hanukkah talks about the Menorah that was located in the Jewish Temple. Historically it is a very important symbol for the Jewish people. Many historical digs have found […]
Hanukkah and Christmas: Two Separate Things
Hanukkah or Chanukah, will be a popular question asked in the coming weeks. While the word is spelled differently, it has the same meaning. Hanukkah, or Chanukah, is a Jewish celebration that is held for eight days in December. Many people confuse Hanukkah with Christmas; often it is called the Jewish Christmas which is technically […]
Why is Hanukkah On a Different Date Every Year?
Hanukkah seems to begin on a different date every year, but it actually occurs on the same date every year. It is just that the date is not on the secular calendar, which is also called the Gregorian calendar, that is used around the world in modern times. The date is on the Jewish calendar. […]
Is Hanukkah the Jewish Christmas?
Many children and those just not well versed in religion or history often ask. Is Hanukkah the Jewish Christmas? This will be a popular question in the coming weeks. Hanukkah is best described as the Jewish festival or celebration that is held during the time when Christians are celebrating their holiday Christmas. While the celebrations […]
Variations in Hanukkah Spelling Explained
For most individuals, Hanukkah is spelled like that or it may be spelled like Chanukah. This is because of the Hebrew translation of the word so it can be spelled many different ways as the sound of the word starts with “ch” so many feel it is spelled as Chanukah while others prefer starting it […]